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Chestatee Worship Center's Music Ministry Team

Our team seeks become a family dedicated to glory and magnification of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through praise and worship, in Spirit and Truth, the team's desire is to establish an atmosphere which ushers in God's presence and anointing, forming a worshipful habitat that welcomes His presence to move freely among the congregation. As this is accomplished, each individual is able to experience Christ personally and intimately, fully preparing their hearts to receive the truth and life- changing power of the truths revealed in God's Word.

Core Value: Progressively become like the One we worship-Jesus!

Commitment: To do what we were originally created to do from the moment of creation-worship!

Culture: Continually pursue the experience of His presence on earth as it is in Heaven.

Conduit: Become His instruments through musical skills, talents, gifts, and by being in one accord, one mind, one Spirit, and one sound preparing an atmosphere for God to inhabit. .

"The choir and trumpets made one voice of praise and thanks to God--orchestra and choir in perfect harmony singing and playing praise to God: Yes! God is good! His loyal love goes on forever! Then a billowing cloud filled the Temple of God. The priests couldn't even carry out their duties becasue of the cloud--the glory of God! That filled the Temple of God.'

2 Chronicles 5:13-14